Partly inspired by a /goth thread, this is a list of Goth and Goth-type cultures as they are known internationally.
- UK - Goth
- USA - Goth
- Spain - Siniestro, gótico
- France - corneille, gothique, goth (pronounced got), corbeau (crow, used for Cure, Batcave fans), corback (slang synonym of corbeau)
- Holland - goth, gothic, gothiek, gootje
- Japan - Gothic, goshikku
- Mexico - darks, Gotico, darketo, darky
- Germany - grufti, gotik
- Italy - dark
- Latin countries - gótico, dark, darks, darketo, darkete
- Sweden - got, svartrock (black rock and black coat)
- Japan - Classic Lolita (traditional clothing, based on Victorian girl's clothing),
EGL, GothLoli, gosurori,
goth lolies, cosplayers (both from Visual scene, neither specifically Goth).
EGA (male version of EGL, though not based on children's clothing).
Yamamba - named after a witch in Japanese folk-tales. White hair, lipstick and eye shadow (sometimes dark eye-shadow).
Visual Kei, Visual Rock - analogous to British glam rock or new romantic movements, though the emphasis is much more on the striking visual
appearance of the musicians than any unifying type of sound, can involve heavy metal and rock. -