the Wilde Wood

Goth Art

This page is where I'll put a list of Gotsh artists and resources for Goths with an artistic bent. Some entries on this page have been informed by responses to a (friends only) post on LiveJournal. If you want to suggest any more creative Goths then email me or leave a reply on either the Creative Goth or my LiveJournal. Similarly, if you are featured on this page and want your details amended (uri's added, for instance), then just contact me.
Should explain what I want to do here, as much to remind myself than to inform others. The idea is to collect together in one place a list of artists from and catering for the Gothic scene. Of secondary importance are artists who are popular amongst Goths, but can't be called Goths themselves. Other creative types are next in my list, whether dancers, actors or other performers (though musicians have an extensive section to themselves). Lastly I have a section for artists models, though this is not my primary interest, so don't expect that to be developed or expanded any time soon.
Oh, and if you're wondering where all the authors and comic artists are, they're on the books and Goth comics page.

Gothic artists

Art Collections / Portals

Artists of interest to Goths

Actors, performers and public figures

Artist's models

Other Collections / Portals


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