the Wilde Wood

Kindred Spirits

table of releases by
releaselabelcatalogueformatrelease datenotesavailability to buy
releaselabelcatalogueformatrelease datenotesavailability to buy
The Poseurs are not What They Seemself-producedKSMC01mcc1997demo I
The Lurid Insane Asylumself-producedKSMC02 / KSCD01mcc / cd1998-06/07demo II
From Darkness to Lightself-producedKSCD02cddemo III
Out of the Shadowsself-producedKSCD03cddemo IV
Promo 2004self-producedKSCD04cd2004promo
Subsoil II - Beneath the SurfaceNangijala RecordsSUBCDcd1998-03compilation (label sampler?)
labelcataloguecd2005-09-07 (due)notes Buy by Kindred Spirits at
Buy by Kindred Spirits at
  1. official
  2. Harlot Tommy's website
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