the Wilde Wood

History of Guns

table of releases by
releaselabelcatalogueformatrelease datenotesavailability to buy
releaselabelcatalogueformatrelease datenotesavailability to buy
History of Guns - Whitby October 2004 Promocatalogue cd2004-10
Flashes of LightlabelLENSCDO8 cd / lp2004/5 Buy Flashes of Light by History of Guns at
History of Guns Live Like You Never Imagineslabelcatalogue dvd2004?Recorded 2004-08-14 at the Marquee Club, Hertford. Buy Flashes of Light by History of Guns at
ApopheniaDarkcell Digital Musiccatalogue cd2005?Forthcoming album, release date not set.
  2. mrsvee (direct link to mp3)*
  3. Yahoo group?*
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