index --> comp

Character Entities

Numeric and Special Graphic Entities

ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN

lt<Less than sign
gt>Greater than sign
quot"Double quote sign
SyntaxCharacter ReferenceNumeric Character ReferenceDescription

ISO Latin 1 Character Entities

ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN

NameNumeric Character ReferenceReferenceDescription
&;&#00; - &#08;� - Unused
&;&#09; Horizontal tab
&;&#10; Line feed
&;&#11; - &#31; - Unused
&;&#32; Space
&;&#33;!Exclamation mark
&quot;&#34;" Quotation mark
&;&#35;#Number sign
&;&#36;$Dollar sign
&;&#37;%Percent sign
&;&#38;& Ampersand
&;&#40;(Left parenthesis
&;&#41;)Right parenthesis
&;&#43;+Plus sign
&;&#46;.Period (fullstop)
&;&#47;/Solidus (slash)
&lt;&#60;<Less than
&;&#61;=Equals aign
&gt;&#62;>Greater than
&;&#63;?Question mark
&;&#64;@Commercial at
&;&#;A-ZLetters A-Z
&;&#91;[Left square bracket
&;/td>&#92;\Reverse solidus (backslash)
&;&#93;]Right square bracket
&;&#95;_Horizontal bar
&;&#96;`Acute accent
&;&#;a-zLetters a-z
&;&#123;{Left curly brace
&;&#124;|Vertical bar
&;&#125;}Right curly brace
&euro;&#128;euro sign
&iexcl;&#161;¡Inverted exclamation
&cent;&#162;¢Cent sign
&pound;&#163;£Pound sterling
&curren;&#164;¤General currency sign
&yen;&#165;¥Yen sign
&brvbar;&#166;¦Broken vertical bar
&sect;&#167;§Section sign
&uml;&#168;¨Umlaut (dieresis)
&ordf;&#170;ªFeminine ordinal
&laquo;&#171;«Left angle quote, guillemotleft
&not;&#172;¬Not sign
&;&#173;­Soft hyphen
&reg;&#174;®Registered trademark
&macr;&#175;¯Macron accent
&deg;&#176;°Degree sign
&plusmn;&#177;±Plus or minus
&sup2;&#178;²Superscript two
&sup3;&#179;³Superscript three
&acute;&#180;´Acute accent
&micro;&#181;µMicro sign
&para;&#182;Paragraph sign
&middot;&#183;·Middle dot
&sup1;&#185;¹Superscript one
&ordm;&#186;ºMasculine ordinal
&raquo;&#187;»Right angle quote, guillemotright
&frac14;&#188;¼Fraction one-fourth
&frac12;&#189;½Fraction one-half
&frac34;&#190;¾Fraction three-fourths
&iquest;&#191;¿Inverted question mark
&Agrave;&#192;ÀCapital A, grave accent
&Aacute;&#193;ÁCapital A, acute accent
&Acirc;&#194;ÂCapital A, circumflex accent
&Atilde;&#195;ÃCapital A, tilde
&Auml;&#196;ÄCapital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
&Aring;&#197;ÅCapital A, ring
&AElig;&#198;ÆCapital AE dipthong (ligature)
&Ccedil;&#199;ÇCapital C, cedilla
&Egrave;&#200;ÈCapital E, grave accent
&Eacute;&#201;ÉCapital E, acute accent
&Ecirc;&#202;ÊCapital E, circumflex accent
&Euml;&#203;ËCapital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
&Igrave;&#204;ÌCapital I, grave accent
&Iacute;&#205;ÍCapital I, acute accent
&Icirc;&#206;ÎCapital I, circumflex accent
&Iuml;&#207;ÏCapital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
&ETH;&#208;ÐCapital Eth, Icelandic
&Ntilde;&#209;ÑCapital N, tilde
&Ograve;&#210;ÒCapital O, grave accent
&Oacute;&#211;ÓCapital O, acute accent
&Ocirc;&#212;ÔCapital O, circumflex accent
&Otilde;&#213;ÕCapital O, tilde
&Ouml;&#214;ÖCapital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
&times;&#215;×times sign
&Oslash;&#216;ØCapital O, slash
&Ugrave;&#217;ÙCapital U, grave accent
&Uacute;&#218;ÚCapital U, acute accent
&Ucirc; &#219;ÛCapital U, circumflex accent
&Uuml;&#220;ÜCapital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
&Yacute;&#221;ÝCapital Y, acute accent
&THORN;&#222;ÞCapital THORN, Icelandic
&szlig;&#223;ßSmall sharp s, German (sz ligature)
&aacute;&#224;àSmall a, acute accent
&agrave;&#225;áSmall a, grave accent
&acirc;&#226;âSmall a, circumflex accent
&atilde;&#227;ãSmall a, tilde
&atilde;&#228;äSmall a, dieresis or umlaut mark
&aring;&#229;åSmall a, ring
&aelig;&#230;æSmall ae dipthong (ligature)
&ccedil;&#231;çSmall c, cedilla
&eacute;&#232;èSmall e, acute accent
&egrave;&#233;éSmall e, grave accent
&ecirc;&#234;êSmall e, circumflex accent
&euml;&#235;ëSmall e, dieresis or umlaut mark
&iacute;&#236;ìSmall i, acute accent
&igrave;&#237;íSmall i, grave accent
&icirc;&#238;îSmall i, circumflex accent
&iuml;&#239;ïSmall i, dieresis or umlaut mark
&eth;&#240;ðSmall eth, Icelandic
&ntilde;&#241;ñSmall n, tilde
&oacute;&#242;òSmall o, acute accent
&ograve;&#243;óSmall o, grave accent
&ocirc;&#244;ôSmall o, circumflex accent
&otilde;&#245;õSmall o, tilde
&ouml;&#246;öSmall o, dieresis or umlaut mark
&divide;&#247;÷division sign
&oslash;&#248;øSmall o, slash
&uacute;&#249;ùSmall u, acute accent
&ugrave;&#250;úSmall u, grave accent
&ucirc;&#251;ûSmall u, circumflex accent
&uuml;&#252;üSmall u, dieresis or umlaut mark
&yacute;&#253;ýSmall y, acute accent
&thorn;&#254;þSmall thorn, Icelandic
&yuml;&#255;ÿSmall y, dieresis or umlaut mark

Hexadecimal ASCII Codes

Hexadecimal ASCII codesexplanation
%00NUL(Non-displayable control characters)
%21!(displayable characters)